viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014


When we talk about marketing we tend to relate this issue to publicity, advertising, merchandising and several items connected with communication. Actually marketing communicates but there are more definitions and concepts engaged with this phenomenon.

An introduction to general marketing make us feel like real customers or clients, showing our needs, satisfactions,desires off as well as relationships with organizations and companies. Today's social media plays a role in these procedures too. Everything is well-linked: market and society.

Hospitality and Tourism studies are into the framework of the VET (Vocational Education and Training).Marketing for Tourism is one of the main modules included in the Upper Grade of Guding,Information and Assitance.

This didactic unit starts settling down the first steps to the students about general marketing, as well as how to get familiarized along the following units with the marketing techniques used in the tourism sector.



1. Learning outcomes
/ Evaluation criteria
•To analyse the field of general marketing.
•To focus on the evolution of marketing throughout the history.
•To get acquainted with the world of marketing in the tourism industry.
•To get familiarize with the main marketing jargon.
•To use the vocabulary related with marketing and tourism for the marketing units.
2. Subject Content
oThe core concepts of marketing.
oThe marketing definition from different points of view.
oMarketing as a strategy for creating needs and attending the demand.
oThe market and its main items involved in marketing.

3. Language Content / Communication
Marketing vocabulary and jargon to be used along the course.
Nouns: marketing, marketing mix (product, price, promotion, place) services, market, clients, customers, business, firm, company, brand, logo, etc.
Verbs: market, attract, provide, enhance, aware, advertise, research, promote, etc.
Adjectives: large, best, effective, shocking, private, public, good, profitable, best.
Prepositions: throughout, (focus) on, (deal) with, (encourage sb). to (gear) to, (depends) on, etc..
Comparatives : as good as, such as, i.e.
Superlatives: the best, the most,
General questions:
What is the meaning of..?
What does …mean?
How do you say…in English?
Giving one’s opinion:
I believe that…
I think that….
In my opinion…
From my point of view…
Asking for opinions:
So what do you think…?
What is your opinion of / about?
Introducing an issue:
I would like to say that…
I would like to comment..
I agree that.
I totally agree…with you…
•Help with whatever other structures students ask for

Organization and class distribution / timing
- Four sessions of 55 minutes each one.
- Before introducing the core activity every class starts with a warming up.
- Following-up activity checking the contents taught and the new ones.
- Distribution in pairs or groups.
- Teacher and students feedback activities.

Tasks and activities
- Introducing general questions about marketing. i.e. What is marketing?
- Writing some ideas and coherent sentences related with marketing.
- Discussing in groups about the meaning of marketing from different points of view.
- Listening and watching a brief video.
What is marketing?
*After watching the video:
- Checking the results and similitudes.
- Pointing out the key words and the main marketing jargon
Reading and answering the following exercises.
In small firms the same person will probable market and ________a product or service. In a large company there will be separate departments.
The objectives of marketing and promotion are to inform, raise awareness, make people buy the ________ or service, improve or enhance the image of the product or organisation, improve________, attract new customers and keep existing ______________.
Marketing is the business of moving products or goods from the producer or__________ to the client or consumer. For example, a large theatre or hotel will have a marketing officer or even a whole department whose job it is to ensure that there is enough interest in performances or sleeping in the hotel to encourage clients to book. The marketing officer will sell the product so that someone will pay for a ticket or room.
Promoting is to further the growth of sales or interest in a product, i.e. to make people aware of the product or service. The purpose of promotion is to interest the consumer or client, so that they think it would be a good idea to buy a ticket or book a room.
In a large company the promotions department will handle press and publicity.
In advertising industry jargon there are two types of promotion: above the line and below the line.
-Above-the-line promotions are straight advertising in newspapers, on television and radio and in brochures.
-Below-the-line promotions are public relations, exhibitions, displays, leaflet distribution, direct mail (when a company sends leaflets through the post), fam (familiarisation) trips, etc.
There are different ways of marketing and promoting a product or service using market research, targeting markets, using media, the timing of campaigns, using a budget (or lack of) to the best of your abilities; marking potential users understand the benefits; capitalising on staff skills; design- eye catching posters, effective ads, etc.
*Source: Leisure and Tourism, Baker Verité- Intermediate- GNVQ Longman
a) Mark with a circle the right option.
advise create promote choose
good product advertising stuff
quality image sales clientele
prices processes customers competitors
players market suppliers budgets
b) Find out in the text the suitable word for these meanings:
The purchase and sale of goods in an attempt to make a profit.
Companies or firms providing goods or services. Group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise towards.
Complete the marketing word-puzzle



viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014




miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Webmix: Marketing for Tourism

Los recursos utilizados en la Webmix Marketing for Tourism cuentan con  la función de ampliar los conocimientos de los  contenidos que se detallan en  las diferentes unidades didácticas.  A través de las páginas webs  relacionados con el marketing turístico , el alumnado a nivel individual o en grupo y con lal ayuda del profesor llevará a la práctica lo aprendido que lo reflejará con los casos prácticos de las empresas de marketing del sector turístico.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Aspectos metodológicos AICLE

En los aspectos relacionados con la metodología AICLE  partimos de la base de la interacción del alumnado con el profesorado, esta cooperación es más intensa e  importante al impartir los contenidos en los códigos de L1 y L2.
Debemos facilitar tanto el contenido como el contexto con tareas y recursos que nos lleven a la creación del andamiaje. 

 El trabajo de forma individual y en grupo nos permitirá  avanzar en un aprendizaje más interactivo y autónomo a lo largo de tiempo.  La introducción de los recursos digitales aporta una variedad más enriquecedora y activa, este paso se nota en cuanto se avanza en los contenidos que pasan a ser más interactivos para el alumnado y también para el profesorado. Una metodogía muy práctica y evolutiva se desarrolla a través de la combinación de las  TICs y TAC's adaptadas al grupo.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Realmente me gustaría ver  nuevo material TIC que se pueda amoldar a mis contenidos AICLE para el sector de la hostelería y turismo.  Espero que este curso amplíe mis conocimientos y sobre todo que me aporte nuevas herramientas de trabajo que pueda utilizar en común con otros compañeros.